
How does burp proxy work?

What’s a proxy? A proxy acts as a gateway between you and the internet. The internet traffic flow back and forth if a proxy is setup in the middle. So, what is the need of proxy? There are several reasons organizations and individuals use proxies: Control and monitor internet usage Proxy servers can give better speed and bandwidth by caching websites Proxy servers can also be setup along with VPNs to provide anonymity and better security There are different types of proxies, but a specific type of proxy that we are going to talk about in this blog is interception proxy....

June 7, 2021 Â· 5 min Â· Kumar Ashwin
nullcon cover image


You don’t need money to buy expensive things, sometimes hard work pays off. And yes nullcon trainings are still expensive for me xD and I am grateful that I got this chance to attend one. One year ago, I was going through the nullcon training schedule, and trying to understand the structure, and how much I can learn from it, because it was too expensive for me to get the actual training....

March 27, 2021 Â· 7 min Â· Kumar Ashwin
CEH Banner

Exam Experience: CEH v10

July 6th, 2020: It all started with this mail. I received a scholarship for CEH Practical (applied two times xD) and I had to pay $99 to take the exam. I guess it was worth it. Battling with college and other stuff, I used to think I am not ready yet and kept on postponing it until 6th of November, 2020. I finally took the exam and passed it easily, and now that I look back, I could have done it then as well, but yeah....

November 27, 2020 Â· 2 min Â· Kumar Ashwin

Bug Bounty Summit CTF Writeup

The CTF is live on Hacker101 as Grayhatcon CTF – Hacker101 CTF The CTF was built upon real vulnerabilities found during bug bounties. It had four flags – 250 points each. Objective - Hackerone’s Username and Password database has been leaked and put on an auction. Our task was to delete the auction listing before anyone buys it. We were given an IP, which resolved to a web application....

November 2, 2020 Â· 6 min Â· Kumar Ashwin
Talk Banner

Hacking Is Not Black & White

This is related to a talk given by me and pre & post-event activities, that were conducted at Developer Circles, Pune and Bengaluru. It all started with DEFCON 2020 Red Team Village CTF, my team and I reached the Top 50 and it was just amazing for all of us. It was an enriching experience, solving challenges from a wide range of categories and learning new stuff in the process. One section of the CTF dealt with Malware Analysis and I was fascinated by this domain of security and have been learning about it....

November 1, 2020 Â· 5 min Â· Kumar Ashwin